Can You Keep Your House and Car on an IVA? Here’s What You Need to Know

When dealing with overwhelming debt, one of the biggest concerns is the potential loss ofvaluable assets like your home and car. For many UK citizens, these are not justpossessions—they’re essential to daily life, whether it’s having a roof over your head orreliable transport to work.An Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) can be a viable solution for…

5 Signs an IVA Might Be the Right Solution for Your Debt Problems

Managing debt can feel like an uphill battle, especially when repayments seemunmanageable. For many in the UK, an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) offers astructured path to regain financial control. But how do you know if it’s the right solution foryou? This detailed guide explores five clear signs that an IVA might be the best choice…

IVA vs Bankruptcy: Which is the Right Option for You?

If you’re a UK citizen struggling with debt, you may feel overwhelmed by the optionsavailable. Two of the most common solutions are Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs)and bankruptcy. Both can help you manage unmanageable debt, but they work differently andcome with distinct advantages and consequences. We specialise in guiding clients through theIVA process, so this blog…

What is an IVA and How Does it Work? – A Beginner-Friendly Guide for UKCitizens

Managing debt can feel overwhelming, but there are solutions designed to help. AnIndividual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) is one such option, offering UK residents a formalway to manage their debts while working towards financial freedom. If you’re struggling tokeep up with repayments, an IVA might be the solution you need. This guide explainseverything you need to…

How an IVA Affects Your Credit Score: What UK Citizens Need to Know

Struggling with debt can be overwhelming, but an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA)offers a structured way to regain financial control. While an IVA can help you settle yourdebts and protect you from creditor actions, it does have implications for your credit score.Understanding how an IVA affects your credit score can help you make informed decisionsabout your…

The Most Common IVA Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)

An Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) is a powerful tool to help UK citizens managedebt and work toward financial freedom. However, successfully completing an IVA requirescareful management and an understanding of the common pitfalls that can derail yourprogress.We’ve seen how avoidable mistakes can lead to unnecessary stress and even IVA failure. Thisblog post highlights the most…